Minutes of the October 13, 2016 PTO meeting held at the school library.
PTO Officers present: Bridget Frament (President), Jennifer Goyette (Vice-President), Mary Ellen Belbusti (Treasurer), Joseph Donohue (Secretary)
Meeting called to order at 6:33pm
Ms. Frament introduced newly appointed PTO Vice-President Jennifer Goyette
Opening prayer by Mrs. Rushkowski (Principal); with special remembrance of Paige O’Hearn.
· Mrs. Rushkowski reported that the Diocese-wide Accreditation Review was completed. Educators from throughout the country reviewed 22 Diocese schools.
· The Emergency Evacuation Drill will be held on Monday, October 17th. Students will be bussed to St. Edwards the Confessor at 1:30pm and must be picked up at 2:00 pm. Parents should use the entrance to the rear of the church for pick-up. “School messenger” will robocall families Monday morning advising of the drill.
· Virtus training will be held in the parish hall on October 25th. This training session is mandatory for anyone who is considering volunteering at the school such as grade parents, class party helper, recess aide, or field trips. An announcement will come from school and information will be posted on the website.
· The annual Haunted House will be Friday, October 28th at the school. Decorated and performed by the middle school students. All proceeds are donated to a charity as identified by the students.
· The new lunch order committee chairperson is Joanne Drake. The process is complicated and time consuming so patience is asked for during this coordinator transition period. Lunch orders will be on the school website so that parents can confirm if their child is receiving school lunch for that given day.
· The first marking period ends November 10. Parent conferences will be held in the afternoon of November 21 & 22 (Monday,Tuesday). Parents of students from Pre-K through Grade 5 will receive their child’s report card during the meeting with the teacher. Middle school students will bring their report cards home on Friday, Nov. 18. Teacher conferences for middle school students are only scheduled “as needed” as determined by request of the teacher or parent.
PTO By-laws Article 1 read, as is required.
No correspondence received.
Report on final quarter of last fiscal year’s activities (ending 07/31/16)
The PTO started the school year with a balance of $2,881.29
Balance at end of September 2016: $6,998.02.
As mentioned at September’s PTO meeting, the Waterford Tug Boat fundraising initiative profited the PTO $3,333.73.
Motion from the floor to accept report: Amy Valente. Second: Christy Jarocz.
· The magazine drive is completed, although no final total has been determined as of yet.
· The SMS Apparel Store will reopen between 10/31-11/4. Orders from the previous purchase window have an anticipated delivery date of 10/24.
· The Yankee Candle fundraiser will start 10/24. Order forms will go home and you may order online through 12/01 for holiday delivery. You may contact the school for additional order forms if needed.
· The annual Wreath sale starts 11/1 with pick up scheduled for 11/27. The bows that appear on the wreaths are donated by Fletcher Flowers in Latham, NY.
· The Parent Prom is scheduled for 11/4. Ms. Jarocz (co-chair) advised that 97% of ticket sales go to St. Mary’s. For further details and to order tickets you may go through the school website. If you get a business to sponsor the event, for every $1,000 in sponsorships you collect you will receive a $200 tuition discount.
· The Waterford Christmas Parade is Saturday, 11/26 at 7pm. The committee chair is Kevin Galuski and all potential volunteers are encouraged to contact him. Students march down the main street as a group (parent accompanied). It is unknown at this time if the school will have a float for the parade.
· The lunch order forms that go home MUST be returned by the deadline date. The food ordering process begins immediately on that date so late orders are problematic to insert afterwards. You may combine the payment for all your children into one check (easier for you, easier for bookkeeping).
· A Grade Parent meeting was held prior to this PTO meeting. Chairperson Melissa Finn discloses still in need for a grade parent for Mrs. Donnelly’s kindergarten class.
· The need for volunteers was repeated. Parents are encouraged to review the family directory for listing of all the fundraising committees and volunteer opportunities.
· The Family Directory distributed at the September 2016 PTO meeting had a printing error. New directories have already been redistributed to the youngest attending student of each family.
· Uniform Swap chairperson Addiline Bova has advised that all the clothing available for swap has been reorganized. It is anticipated that a uniform swap may be held during the second week of November 2016. More details to follow via email communication from the school.
· Student Banking has begun. CAP COM sponsors our students youth savings accounts. You can pick up an application packet from any area CAP COM branch. Any new accounts opened by 10/31 will result in a $10 donation from the bank to St. Mary’s. Incentives during the year for reading, and at the end of the year for a good report card.
· The September and October Box Top initiative has been very successful. All submissions are being prepared to be submitted to Box Tops for education by the November 1 deadline.
· Labels for Education (Campbell’s Soups) is ending its program effective August 2017. SMS has a balance of 23,000 points with Campbell’s. It is imperative to cash out the account prior to the program terminating.
· When shopping on you can earn credit for the school if you choose “” and choose “Waterford Catholic Central School”. We get a percentage of all sales through “smile”. There is a link on the school website for “smile”.
· A Barbie doll with homemade/handmade outfits will be going up for auction. The item was donated by unnamed retired teachers.
Questions from the Floor
· ? Can the lunch order form be put on the website as it seems middle school students have repeatedly failed to bring them home? Or email them home? Solution to be determined (Mrs. Rushkowski).
· ? Can we donate money directly to the school as opposed to buying product during fundraisers? You may send a check to the school for the school or to the school for the PTO/attn.: Mrs. Belbusti (Mrs. Rushkowski)
· ? As many new faces in school, can we have all attendees introduce themselves and disclose grade levels of children. (Attendees complied)
Faculty Banner winner: Miss Norton (Grade 2)
Meeting adjourned 7:45pm (Motion: Mrs. Valente / second: Mrs. Kim Cole)
NEXT MEETING: 6:30pm, November 10th, in the school cafeteria.
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