Call to order:
Meeting called to order by Bridget Frament at 6:43pm.
Mrs Rushkoski began with thanks for attendance and prayer. The Prayer was “A Parent’s Prayer for Their Children.”
Principal’s Report:
By-Laws Revisited The By Laws for PTO will be revisited for next year. PTO Officer, Faculty Member, Parents and Board Member will make up the committee to revisit and possible adjust the By Laws for this time in our school’s experience.
SPRINT Tomorrow May 12 beginning promptly at 8:30. There will be three groups with various grades all running/walking laps around the Waterford High School Track. Please pack a lunch for your child and dress your children for the weather.
Drama Club will be performing on Friday May 19th at the Hall only due to a scheduling conflict the prior two showings were reduced to the one show. The show is called Law and Order; Fairy-Tale Unit.
Student Council Dance This Dance sponsored by the student council will be held on June 9th.
NYS Testing The NYS Science test will be for performance and written knowledge. 4th Grade are May 31st and June 5th; and 8th grade will be May 24th and June 5th.
Field Day will be Thursday June 15th for 1st-8th Grades
Hot lunch Last Day for Hot Lunch will be Thursday June 1st (get your orders in)
Secretary’s Report:
PTO By-Laws Article One was read by Secretary Amanda. There were two Thank You’s to read.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kristin Z. the Treasurer gave a report to the PTO of all Profit and Loss until May 9, 2017 for the meeting as follows:
Motion to accept Addy
Seconded Jen
PTO Business:
ToolBox The last day to order your Toolbox for next school year is June 21st so there is still time. Toolboxes will arrive mid-august and PTO will come in and to label and distribute the toolboxes all over school. Visit
Voting for PTO ELECTIONS The elections for the 2017-2018 PTO Officers began at around 6:00. Only those who had paid their dues for the year were eligible to vote for either SLATE A (Kristy, Shannon, Chrissy and Victoria) or for SLATE B (Bridget, Jen, Kristin and Addy) Nominating Committee of Helen and Carrier closed Voting.
Pre-K Graduation will be Monday, June 12th
Kindergarten Graduation will be Wednesday, June 14th
8th Grade Graduation will be Friday, June 16th
Flower sale The flyers came home to purchase vouchers which could be used at the West Shaker Shed. Vouchers can only be used at the West Shaker Shed. Separately there will be a Cash and Carry Flower Sale for Sunday May 21st from 8:30-12:00. Again Vouchers cannot be used at the cash and carry sale.
PTO VOLUNTEER THANK YOU. Celebration is after the meeting on May 11th at McGrieveys Please join us!
Mrs. R. Announced that the Election Results were one vote away from each other. It showed how much each group was respected in our School.
Kristy and Shannon; Co-presidents, Victoria; Secretary, and Chrissy; Treasurer
Many thanks were exchanged by Mrs. R. to the current PTO Officers for their dedication and contribution to the school especially the many years that Bridget had held office as President. A time of appreciation and thanks were spread by both Bridget and Jen to the current officers, to Mrs. R, to the faculty and to all of the parents for the many volunteer hours and service that ever yone brings to the school year as an effort to better the students live and continue the work of St. Mary’s School.
****Free Fundraisers, Please keep saving Box Tops over the summer for next year and keep updated on our Facebook page of the several summer opportunities to volunteer. When you shop on Amazon go to and choose Waterford Catholic Central School for St. Mary’s to get a portion of your purchase.
Mrs. Keegan won the Banner. She will receive a $25.00 Voucher from the PTO for classroom supplies/activities.
Mr. Rathburn, Helen C. and Mrs. Shea won the door prizes.Thanks Mrs. Wilcox
Yearbooks: only 10 extra copies were ordered @$22 each. Thanks to Amy V the roving photographer for the yearbook. Mrs. R clarified that 8th Grade will be the first to see the yearbooks at their communion breakfast scheduled for Sunday June 4th.
Meeting Adjourned:
Adjourned by Bridget at 7:32pm Motion to Accept by Addie and Seconded by Jen
PTO Blog. Links can be sent to Carrie Devine. Please visit our blog for monthly meeting minutes and other PTO info. Including our PTO Bylaws @
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