Call to order:
Meeting called to order by Bridget Frament at 6:34pm.
Mrs Rushkoski began with thanks for attendance and prayer. An inspiring meditation was read on how to examine and look back on your day
….were you conscious of God’s presence?
….did you do charity and kindness after God?
….were you modeling Jesus example?
Principal’s Report:
Accreditation Certificate AdvancEd accredited the school and St. Mary’s was presented with a certificate for this accreditation. What does this mean? Ongoing improvement….it doesn’t end with the certificate. One implication that has already begun was mastering math facts. Mrs. R. Thanked and credited the faculty for the hard work and dedication to receive the accreditation.
3rd Marking period and Report Cards Ends Wednesday April 12, report cards will be received after Spring Break.
May Crowning ~ Flowers Please! First Friday May 5th, Please send in flowers with you students!
Sprint for St. Mary's A fundraiser similar to the Race for Education. It is the 10th year for this fundraiser. Pledge sheets will be going home. Family, friends, neighbors and coworkers can sponsor the kids for their laps or give a flat donation. Volunteers are needed for the day of the sprint on May 12th. We need volunteers to pass out healthy snacks and tally the laps on the kids tag. There will be three groups going to the Waterford-Halfmoon track down the road. It is grouped 3-5 grades, pre-k-2nd grades and Middle School. Each group takes a bus down to the track and runs as many laps in the time frame as possible. There are prizes for most donations, most laps and largest donations by class. Please come and watch the kids Sprint for St. Mary’s!
15th Annual Golf Tournament L Scott Cuomo Tournament. Is on Thursday June 22nd, It’s is in it’s 15th year the four person scramble is $120 which includes Breakfast and the end ceremony with Luncheon. Sponsors are always welcome, but we need Golfers, so get the word out! 100 are needed!
Secretary’s Report:
PTO By-Laws Article One was read by Secretary Amanda. There were no correspondence or Thank You’s to report
Treasurer’s Report:
Kristin’s profit and loss was reported.
BALANCE $11,505.13
Motion to accept
PTO Business:
Candy Sale- Note to parents was sent home. Jamie R. is chairing. We will be selling World’s Finest Chocolates. Take a box sell it return $60 we get 50%. Easy fundraiser if you can sell more take more boxes.
They will be sold at the following events:
Learning Fair
Spring Concert
Craft Fair
Mother Son Event Irene is chairing Kristy is a co-chair Paint and Sip with a Movie Night. A Saturday has to be chosen.
Flower Sale West Shaker Shed Fundraiser is a voucher based fundraisers but a we will be selling flowers near Mother’s Day Date TBD.Vouchers are purchased and then the vouchers can be brought to the flower shed to purchase flowers. Our sale at the school will be Cash and Carry.This gives a choice to the purchaser. We receive 50% from the sales.
The shed is located near CBA in Colonie
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is1:30 on May 5th which is May Crowning, followed by Noon dismissal. Kristy J. is the Chair and will setup the day before. Volunteers are needed for setup, and clean up after the luncheon.
PTO DUES Last day to pay your dues for the May vote is Friday April 28th. If dues are not paid, you cannot vote for officers.
Nominations for PTO Officers 2017-2018 under Article iV Part b can be found on our Blog. Slate nominations are being accepted until the 5th of May. Floor nominations may be presented on the night of the vote. The nominating committee are Helen C. and Carrie D. who were both in attendance. Nomination forms will be available online. You can send them in to 6th Grade C/O Grace or Caroline.
PTO VOLUNTEER THANK YOU. Celebration is after the meeting on May 11th at McGrieveys Please join us!
Free Fundraisers, Please keep sending in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. When you shop on Amazon go to and choose Waterford Catholic Central School for St. Mary’s to get a portion of your purchase.
Mrs. Keogh won the Banner. She will receive a $25.00 Voucher from the PTO for classroom supplies/activities.
Shannon won the door prize from Mrs. Wilcox
Is there an obligation to walk in the Sprint for Faculty? NO
Is there a schedule for the Sprint? Yes
Should volunteers be Virtus Trained? Yes...not to watch at the Sprint. Just to Volunteer to help.
Golf Tournament Baskets– can any put in their ticket for them and can we attend the Ceremonies? Yes and Yes, but please call. It has been noted by the golfers that they do not like to be split from their 4 person scramble and the golfers like to win the baskets so they will be open to be raffled that morning and not at any other time.
Meeting Adjourned:
Adjourned by Bridget at 7:14pm Motion to Accept by Carrie and Seconded by Shannon
Next Meeting and Last meeting will be Tuesday May 11th, 2017 at 6:30pm
PTO Blog. Links can be sent to Carrie Devine. Please visit our blog for monthly meeting minutes and other PTO info. Including our PTO Bylaws @