Call to order:
Meeting called to order by Bridget Frament at 6:31pm
Mrs Rushkoski began with thanks for attendance and prayer. Prayer intention was for the 90,000 Christians around the world that die everyday; that is 1 every 6 minutes. Hail Holy Queen was our prayer. Attendance was adequate and much better than the December meeting. Spring is very busy and many volunteers are needed for the upcoming events attendance is crucial for the event and fundraisers to be successful.
Principal’s Report:
Mrs. Rushkoski began with an emphasis on PTO Fundraising. At the firs PTO meeting back in September it was stressed that the importance of revenue from the PTO for the general operating expenses is not only crucial but necessary to keep tuition affordable. The school is essentially an “employee owned company” where we the parents/guardians are reinvesting in the school by fundraising. Fundraising keeps tuition lower. Mrs. R. then took a census (raise of hands) of those in attendance of whether they want tuition to up to get rid of the fundraising. No hands were raised.
Kristy stated : But if parent’s did not want to be bothered with the fundraising they could always write a check out to the school as a supplement.
Jennifer stated: There is a spirit of community in the fundraising.
Jen stated: Like at the Tugboat Roundup in September there was a need for help and when more people were helping the more friendships were made. We laughed. I had fun and I think the other volunteers did as well.
A committee was formed to revise the current By-Laws of the PTO; parents, PTO, School Board and Mrs. R will be asked to participate in the revisions.
Family Life by RCE Benzinger will be used soon discussing Catholic Values with the children. It is a supplement curriculum that is fully aligned with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Second Marking Period ends January 27th and report cards will go home February 10th
Open House is January 22nd from 10am-1pm. Please promote the open house “Friends and Family Incentive” at least 5 families participated last year.
Catholic School’s Week begins January 29th with Mass at the Cathedral at 2:00pm. With the art show beginning immediately after at the Plaza. A schedule will be posted online. First Friday is Feb. 3rd and it will be our own Catholic School’s Mass.
Jen asked: Does Mrs. Verdile need help setting up the Art Show?
Mrs. Verdile was in attendance and answered: Thank You. It is a lot of work, but I have it down to a science now.
Assessment Tests are coming in the spring. Any portion of the exam that is missed has to be made-up. Testing is required during a certain time frame and possible substitute teachers may need to be brought in so please do not schedule appointments during testing weeks.
Grades 3, 5, 7 for ELA and 4, 8 for Science. The older grades are different.
Because the Diocese does not use the data from these tests for Teacher Evaluations or for Student Placement; there is no harm in taking the tests. It teaches students how to take tests.
Mrs. R answered: Certified Google and Education Trainers should be coming and then an “official” rollout” will occur. We have 60 Chromebooks in the Middle School. The Sprint has been a huge resource for getting tech. It’s not quite 1 to 1 but we will get there.
Secretary’s Report:
PTO By-Laws Article One was read by Secretary Amanda. There were no correspondence or Thank You’s to report
Treasurer’s Report:
The PTO is happy to report and welcome Kristin Zakrzewski to the position as Treasurer. She has a 4th grader here at St. Mary’s was a teacher at St. Augustine’s as well as the Treasurer for their PTO and she is currently teaching at St. Kateri Tekawitha. She has a background in Treasury work and accounting for many years and we are happy to have such a dedicated person join us. There was no Treasurer’s report because this appointment was so recent.
PTO Business:
Teacher Luncheon was a huge success. Santa came for the little ones and even the older classes enjoyed seeing him walk down the sidewalk. Thank you to Pop’s Pizza for helping out and specifically to Kristy for charing the event and for everyone who made it such a success and fun time for the teachers and students.
Yankee Candle. Jen did an amazing job unloading and delivering the Yankee Candles in a record timeframe. Thank you to all who help get the orders out. The fundraiser profits were over $5000
Christmas Wreath Fundraiser was such a success Thank you!
Uniform Swap is still TBA. Addy is chairing the event but could not secure a date.
Lunch Order forms are due tomorrow, Friday, 1/13 and the PTO is offering 1 slice of FREE PIZZA. You can now find our Hot Lunch Menus under the Quick links area on the website. There is an option of a McDonald’s day $1 per item and items come per the special orders.
Volunteers are needed in the spring for special events.
We have a six week session of Tai Kwon Do waiting to be scheduled, but we need a parent volunteer to pre- sent to maintain calm for Master Alan. It is for K-3rd and is 3-4pm after school. Dates are TBA.
Jennifer volunteered to fill this need at the meeting.
West Shaker Shen Colonie Flower sale in time for Memorial day. This is a fundraiser and is in need of a Co-Chair. Diane volunteered to Co-Chair at the meeting. Flyers and order forms for the trays. Pickup would be a Friday and Saturday. We may be able to get Coupons to Shop at the store itself where there is a better selection.
Question was asked: Can we do a Mother’s Day Rose Sale? It used to be $1 roses for the Eighth Grade.
Answer: It sounds like a possibility.
Guptills’ Fundraiser. To be in March on a Friday or Saturday Evening. Secrets is included. Tickets are $9.
Father Daughter Dance is Saturday Feb.4 and is being chaired by Kelly and Jillian. It is for girls Prek-8th and their Fathers/Father Firgures. Dance is from 6-8pm with a flyer to go home soon. This event was changed to a Winter Ball to ease the pressure of the spring-time events. There will be a photographer, slideshow, 50/50 and raffles. Danielle volunteered to help.
Candy Sale Fundraiser. Candy Bars are the most successful because other types have been tried in the past. Mrs. Romero is chairing.
Other Fundraiser ideas.
TCBY/Five Guys Gift Card. A
Color Run 5K, but Mrs. R expressed concern over this taking away from the very successful Sprint. A suggestion was made to combine them or utilize them at different times of the school year to gain from what each audience the different runs would draw.
PTO dues are accepted until January 31, 2017 (Please send them into the office c/o PTO) $5 membership fee allows you to vote at the elections for PTO positions next year. Nominating Months are March and April.
Free Fundraisers, Please keep sending in Box Tops and Campbell’s Soup labels. When you shop on Amazon go to and choose Waterford Catholic Central School for St. Mary’s to get a portion of your purchase.
Mr. Dibiase won the Banner. He will receive a $25.00 Voucher from the PTO for classroom supplies/activities
Meeting Door Prize was won by Kristy J.: It was a party supply bucket for Valentine’s Day.
Are we going to have another online clothing store? It wasn’t a huge success but we can open it for Spring.
Did a January Box Top Paper come home? No
Was there a Catholic Schools Week Breakfast Planned? There was in the past, but it presented a problem with time. This year is a new schedule and there is no need for a breakfast.
Meeting Adjourned:
Adjourned by Bridget at 7:45pm Motion to Accept by Jen and Seconded by Mr. Romero
Next Meeting will be Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 6:30pm