Friday, December 30, 2016
December Minutes
December Minutes
Meeting called to order by Bridget Frament at 6:37pm
Mrs Rushkoski began with thanks for attendance and prayer. It mentioned that the attendance is difficult at the December PTO meetings due to home responsibilities and the Christmas approaching, we hope that attendance will increase at subsequent meetings.
Principal’s Report:
Mrs. Rushkoski reported that the Waterford-Halfmoon School District was contacted directly by parents of a need of their child(ren). Mrs. R wanted to clarify that any and all IP and Spec. Ed. needs have to follow protocol and school policy. The district is second to be contacted by St. Mary’s so if you feel that your child has a need of assistance or further educational help a series of steps need to be taken the first of which is contacting St. Mary’s so further action can be taken.
Joanne asked: “How does this service work?”
Mrs. R responded: If the school feels as though there is a need, Mrs. Rushkoski at St. Mary’s will be the one contacting the district (Waterford-Halfmoon) for services or evaluations.
Erin asked: “What are the ways services are benchmarked?”
Mrs. R responded: the typical benchmarks that all schools use and 2 years of IOWA testing which help identify a need.
As the Christmas Parties are approaching for the 12/22/16 it has been restated that all interested parents must complete Virtus training to participate in the classrooms so teachers may leave for their own luncheon.
3 steps to Volunteering
1. You must be Virtus Trained
2. Code of Conduct must be signed and turned into the office with copy of Virtus certificate
3. You must respond and answer the email from the third party so that the background check can be completed. If you do not do this step Mrs. R cannot review the email to allow for you to volunteer.
There will be photographers from the Graphics company that set up the SMS website taking fresh photographs of the children to update the website. They will begin December 8th after Mass. No child will be placed on the website without parent’s permission. This permission is in the form of a consent form that was sent out earlier in the year and is archived in the school office. The Graphics company will send recommendations to Mrs. R in the weeks to come and these photos will be reviewed against the permission forms. If one child in a group shot does not have a form or the parents have not given permission to publicly use the photograph then the photo will not be used.
Band Concert from last night was well attended. The next concert for the 15th it is recommended to be a 6:00-6:15 dropoff.
Jennifer asked/suggested: “Will there be a bake sale since our Choir teacher is new; maybe Eighth Grade could put one together?”
Mrs. R responded: Since Mr. Rawesome is so new it would be too hard to expect a bake sale on short notice. She thought a message to the Eighth Grade teacher would be good.
Christmas Mass is at 9:30 on Dec 22nd and to clarify it is a full day with no aftercare.
Mrs. R responded: Something will be done in the credit form, it will probably be a coupon, but it is up to the PTO.
Winter Clothing for Recess. The little guys go out everyday and should be clothed in hats, gloves and snowpants. Other students should have reasonable outer wear.
Erin asked: “Is there room to leave snowpants in the classrooms?”
Mrs. R responded: There is room and you can have the students leave them all week or an extra pair all season. As a further note, there are extra hats and gloves at the school for the forgetful kids and to ease parent’s minds, Mrs. R. makes sure that they are laundered often.
Catholic School’s Week will be a little different this year. The traditional open house is now being moved to the Sunday before on January 22nd. The traditional Mass will be moved to the end of the week on 2/3/17 which will also be the Feast of St. Blaise and the blessing of the throats. This will allow students , families and teachers to participate and enjoy their time at the Bishop’s Catholic School’s Mass. The Mass is held on Sunday January 28th at 2:00pm in the Cathedral with Art Show to follow at the Concourse.
Jennifer asked: “Which is better for prospective families a private tour or open house?”
Mrs. R. responded: An open house is better because there is no interruption of the day and any questions can be answered right there by the teachers and staff.
Secretary’s Report:
PTO By-Laws Article One could not be read by Secretary Amanda DeSalvatore because the copy is still misplaced. Bridget Frament paraphrased the Article One.
There were no correspondence or Thank You’s to report
Joanne motioned to accept/ Erin Seconded.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Mary Ellen Belbusti was not in attendance, and it was announced by President Bridget Frament that Mary Ellen will be stepping down as treasurer by the end of January. There is now a position and a need for a treasurer so any interested parties should contact one of the PTO officers or Mrs. R. A financial background is helpful to book keep for the PTO, a treasurer maintains the balances, writes checks for receipts and makes sure the $30,000 stipend is paid to the school.
PTO Business:
Wreath Sale SOLD OUT about 168 Wreaths it was a great Fundraiser.
Christmas Parade was not chaired by anyone, but when Bridget reported to the School Board that we didn’t have a float, Chris Marchione stepped up. Chris has a friend with a tractor and trailer with hay.
We need to send out a Thank You and we were reminded that he did this to be kind because he doesn’t have any children at the school.
Yankee Candles are shipping out next week. Pickup time is next Sat/Sun/Mon.
Teacher’s Gifts for Christmas. A template was approved. Kristy Jarosz is Chairing the Teacher Luncheon for Christmas. Any Volunteers would be appreciated. Party starts at 1:00pm. Santa Claus will be escorted by Bridget
Uniform Swap Addy is trying to get a night in the Hall TBA in January.
PTO DUES. Dues will be accepted until 1/31/17. Please send to Bridget Frament C/O St. Mary’s School Office
Blog The PTO has a new blog designed by Secretary Amanda. This is where the minutes can be found from the PTO meetings. You can find the link on the website under Parents and students and PTO news and information. The direct link is
Lunch order forms 12/16 due for January. The pdf of the menu is on the website.
Volunteers are needed because Spring is a busy time.
Father-Daughter Dance. Saturday February 4th. This event is chaired by Kelly Atkinson and Juliane Moore
Free Fundraisers:
Box Tops for Education. There will be a big push for the March 1 deadline. Dress down may be reward again. Last time student council counted 5000 box tops which equals a $500 check. If you download the box tops App you can scan your box tops purchase and earn $.20 on the participating products. The box top can still be clipped and sent into school earning a total of $.30 for each box top. This adds up quickly when everyone participates. Ask friends, neighbors and relatives to help save the box tops. The eighth grade class is helping organize the box tops to be sent in. Please make sure all box tops that are sent in have not expired. Also, if you have a lot to send in please spend the time marked bags of 50. It will save a lot of time.
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